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chestnut honey

LLC Rukhi Queen Stand: 1216c
  • chestnut honey
  • chestnut honey
  • chestnut honey
chestnut honey chestnut honey chestnut honey

Chestnut Honey

Chestnut honey is a rare delight for those who appreciate a bittersweet and intense aroma. This monofloral honey is produced by honeybees from the nectar of the chestnut tree (Castanea sativa) flowers. It is classified as blossom honey, with over 84% originating from floral sources and the remainder as honeydew honey. Chestnut trees, primarily found in Western Georgia, are rich in nectar and pollen and also produce honeydew, a sweet liquid excreted by certain insects like aphids. During times of nectar scarcity, particularly in late summer, honeybees collect and process this honeydew, adding to the unique composition of chestnut honey.

The honey is dark in color with a distinctive reddish tone and is harvested in the middle of summer. Its high fructose content allows it to crystallize slowly. Chestnut honey is known for its bactericidal properties, making it beneficial for treating angina and healing wounds. It is also believed to enhance blood circulation, stimulate bile production, and aid in the treatment of digestive system diseases. Additionally, chestnut honey is thought to help regulate arterial blood pressure and prevent conditions such as thrombophlebitis, phlebismus, and prostatitis.


  • Jams / Honey / Spreads
  • Ambient
  • Artisan / Speciality / Fine
  • Long-life
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