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Wilden health: Pre-cycle (hormonal balance)

Wilden.herbals Stand: 1006
  • Wilden health: Pre-cycle (hormonal balance)
  • Wilden health: Pre-cycle (hormonal balance)
  • Wilden health: Pre-cycle (hormonal balance)
Wilden health: Pre-cycle (hormonal balance) Wilden health: Pre-cycle (hormonal balance) Wilden health: Pre-cycle (hormonal balance)

Wilden.herbals is proud to introduce PreCycle, one of our pharmaceutical-grade herbal infusions from the Health Range. This herbal blend is classified as a food supplement and is regulated by the Italian Ministry of Health.

PreCycle is an organic herbal infusion designed to help you experience your menstrual cycle in peace.

At Wilden we’re all about advancing traditional knowledge, and making the power of plants available for our busy, modern lives.

For generations, traditional herbalists have known the secrets of ‘women’s plants.’ Plants with a specific impact on our menstrual health.

The properties of ginger, chaste tree and yarrow, combat cramps and gastric disorders. Which we’ve combined with lemon balm, used since the Middle Ages, to reduce stress and ease pain.

PreCycle includes the beautiful floral notes of Damascus rose, complemented by the spicy anti-inflammatory properties of ginger.

The result is an delicate aromatic bouquet, which relieves cramps, reduces pain and helps to balance your mood.

Our customers rave about this product. Try it once and experience the positive impact it can have on your hormone cycle.


  • Hot Drinks
  • Mixers & Adult Soft Drinks
  • Sports & Energy Drinks
  • Artisan / Speciality / Fine
  • Long-life
  • No / Lo Alcohol
  • Organic
  • Private / White Labelling
  • Recyclable
  • Subscription
  • Sustainable
  • Italian
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