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Frangipani Foods

Stand: 1430
Frangipani Foods

Galip Nut is a new superfood from the rainforests of Papua New Guinea, offering rich nutrients and unique health benefits. It’s the lowest carb and sodium nut, packed with antioxidants, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, vitamin E, magnesium, and seven of the nine essential amino acids, making it an excellent plant-based protein. Its creamy flavor, resembling a cross between macadamia and pine nuts, is available in two varieties: dry-roasted with or without Himalayan Pink Salt.

Frangipani Foods also produces Galip Flour, a gluten-free, low-carb option, and Nangai Oil, known for its traditional use in treating arthritis and skin conditions. Nangai Oil, rich in essential fatty acids, deeply moisturizes skin and hair.

Frangipani Foods, co-founded by John and Marybeth Moxon in 2021, aims to promote Galip Nut globally while improving livelihoods in Papua New Guinea. John planted 600,000 Galip trees to boost local incomes and contribute to climate change mitigation. The company partners with women collectors from rural communities, providing them with a new income source and empowering indigenous communities.

Galip Nut holds cultural significance in Papua New Guinea, traditionally enjoyed for both its taste and medicinal properties. Frangipani Foods is committed to bringing this superfood to the world while supporting local farmers and collectors.


P.O. Box 773
section 56 allotment 10
kuk street
East New Britain
Papua New Guinea
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