TABLADILLO is a family run business specialized for over 50 years in the rearing, production and commercialization of Premium SUCKLING PIG from Spain / COCHINILLO DE SEGOVIA Quality Brand.
Paraje Barreros 19TABLADILLO
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Precooked CHIPS of suckling pig - CHIPS de COCHINILLO
TAPAS Range Precooked Bone-in JUICY PIECES of suckling pig - COCHIFRITO de COCHINILLO
Dry storage SMART Precooked QUARTER of suckling pig - CUARTO SMART de COCHINILLO
Dry storage SMART Precooked BONELESS ROLL of suckling pig - ROTI SMART de COCHINILLO
Precooked BONELESS ROLL of suckling pig - ROTI de COCHINILLO
Precooked QUARTER of suckling pig
precooked leg of suckling pig