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16 Aug 2024

A Day in the Life Of... Contour Chocolate

A Day in the Life Of... Contour Chocolate
For the latest edition of 'A Day in the Life Of...' we spoke to James Nichols the Founder of Contour Chocolate, a London based company specialising in handcrafted smooth, thin chocolate discs. Read on for his chocolate filled day...

First task of the morning?

On days I start chocolate the first task is to warm the melangers drums in the oven. Then breakfast; usually a slice of spelt and rye sourdough topped with a nut butter or jam and a double shot cappuccino. Once the drums are warm I set up the machine and start adding nibs, I run two machines, usually making a dark and milk chocolate. Once the machines are refining the nibs I will get out for some exercise; either a run or a gym session.  

And just like that, it’s mid-morning already…Contour Chocolate

Mid-morning I will either temper a batch of chocolate or start roasting cocoa beans for new batches of chocolate. Pack up any website or wholesale orders and get them sent off.          

It’s lunch time!

Always need a break over lunch, especially after a hand tempering session. I often reply to some emails during this time.  

Afternoon pick-me up?

The afternoon often means packing the chocolate I tempered earlier, social media, research into future equipment, planning new products, contacting potential retailers, roasting nuts or coffee to add to the chocolate. For a energy kick I will have a cup of English breakfast tea or a Chemex coffee with a sweet treat.

It’s time to wind down!

The end of the day might be a few more emails and adding any remaining ingredients to the chocolate. Maybe a glass of wine over dinner and relax with a film.

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