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10 Oct 2024

A Day in a Life Of... Whitebox Cocktails

A Day in a Life Of... Whitebox Cocktails

First task of the morning?

If I’m in the office early I’ll make a large pot of coffee and get set up. With Whitebox growing quickly, there’s always a lot to juggle, so it’s important to figure out what are the key things that I can do to make the most impact and move the business forward. There are a LOT of moving parts in Whitebox as we run our own cocktail factory as well as having the brand / customer facing side of the business. I try to catch up with the team on the production floor, ensuring our new canning line is running smoothly and inventory / procurement is going to plan. We now have the capacity to produce around 6.5 million cocktails per year and it’s a constant process of testing and learning, as new products are added to the collection.

And just like that, it’s mid-morning already…Whitebox

Mid-morning is typically when I dive into product development. All of our drinks research and development is done in-house, with every cocktail created and tested at our Edinburgh facility. This involves collaborating with a diverse array of spirit and liqueur producers and sourcing ingredients from all over the world. Our team is made up of several bartenders, so we really do know what consumers are looking for and how quality classic cocktails should taste. Sometimes I take a brief break to grab a quick snack but mostly it's a continuous flow of work until lunch.

It’s lunch time!

Given the limited food options near our warehouse, we usually have a steady stream of tasty treats delivered to the office to keep us fuelled throughout the day. I tend to grab a quick bite while catching up on some work, such as reviewing designs for new labels and cans.  At any one time we have multiple new products in development and each cocktail has its own unique look and feel, so we start with a blank canvas every time.  Occasionally, I manage to step out for a brief walk to the local bakery and catch up with co-founder Josh.

Afternoon pick-me up?

Afternoons can often be focused on logistics, as we pack and ship orders for our growing list of UK independents, wholesalers and distributors, as well as international markets. With our expanding export markets, we're now regularly sending containers to international markets like the Ireland, Canada and several markets in Asia. Whilst our main team is in Edinburgh, we also have teams in London and Mexico so afternoons are also a good time to touch base with them and ensure everything is on track.

It’s time to wind down!

I usually clock off around 5:30 PM and head home for a quick dinner and bedtime with the two youngsters. I’ll catch up with my wife in the evening and try to get some downtime together. This sometimes involves sampling cocktails while making plans for the coming week and then a short stop on Netflix before hitting the hay.

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